Wisdom tells us that war is not the answer, yet humanity has not yet arrived at a place of evolutionary growth and maturity to be able to implement this awareness into action.

Though humanity as a whole may still be struggling to understand that conflict and decimation is not the answer, we can still choose to evolve consciously as an individual.

In fact, we have a responsibility to evolve, expand and grow into the brightest, highest, and best version of ourselves while we are here on earth. 

So, how do we do this? How do we evolve?

Wisdom does not just come coincidentally to some and miss others. Wisdom is a byproduct of a self-aware mind.

Self-awareness is something everyone has direct control over if we only learn to adopt an attitude of tolerance, curiosity, and discernment.

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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