What Do You See When You Look At This Homeless Man?

What do you see here? A worthless bum or joyful free being? A disgusting vagrant or a version of your greater Self?

How you see the world tells a lot about you.


There is a passage in the book, Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins that has stayed with me for many years. For those that are unfamiliar, Hawkins was a prominent American Psychiatrist who was also an ardent spiritual seeker. Through many years of searching he finally realized the ultimate goal, that of awakening or enlightenment.

His scientific background paired with the awakened state prompted him to create a model for expressing various levels of consciousness. Like many emotional scales, his numerical model helps to illustrate increasing levels of maturity and growth in the development of individual human evolution beginning with shame, guilt and apathy and eventually reaching to the pinnacle of conscious evolution and the experience of joy, peace and enlightenment. Instead of paraphrasing this passage, I feel it is best to simply absorb it on your own:

“…Imagine a “bum” on the street corner: In an upscale neighborhood stands an old man in tattered clothes, alone and leaning against the corner of an elegant brownstone. Look at him from the perspective of various levels of consciousness, and note the differences in how he appears to different people and viewpoints.

  • From the bottom of the scale, at the level of 20 (Shame), the bum is seen to be dirty, disgusting, and disgraceful. From the level 30 (Guilt), he’d be blamed for his condition: He deserves what he gets; he’s probably a lazy welfare cheat. At 50 (Hopelessness), his plight would appear desperate, a damning piece of evidence to prove that society can’t do anything about homelessness. At 75 (Grief), the old man looks tragic, friendless, and forlorn.
  • At consciousness level of 100 (Fear), we might see the bum as threatening, a social menace: Perhaps we should call the police before he commits some crime. At 125 (Desire), he might represent a frustrating problem – why doesn’t somebody do something? At 150 (Anger), the old man might look like he could be violent; or, on the other hand, one could be furious that such horrible conditions exist in our country today. At 175 (Pride), he could be seen as an embarrassment or lacking the self-respect to better himself. At 200 (Courage), we might be motivated to wonder if there is a local homeless shelter – all he needs is a job and a place to live.
  • At 250 (Neutrality), the bum looks okay, maybe even interesting. “Live and let live,” we might say – after all, he’s not hurting anyone. At 310 (Willingness), we might decide to go down and see what we can do to cheer up that fellow on the corner; maybe we’d be motivated to volunteer some time at the local shelter. At 350 (Acceptance), the man on the corner appears intriguing: He probably has an interesting story to tell; he’s where he is for reasons we may never understand. At 400 (Reason), he’s a symptom of the current economic and social malaise, or perhaps a good subject for in-depth psychological study.
  • At the higher levels, the old man begins to look not only interesting, but friendly – and then lovable. Perhaps we’d then be able to see that he is, in fact, one who had transcended social limits and gone free, a joyful old guy with the wisdom of age in his face and the serenity that comes from indifference to material things. At 600 (Peace), he’s revealed as our own self in a temporary expression. 

When approached, the bum’s response to these different levels of consciousness would vary with them. With some, he’d feel secure – with others, frightened or dejected. Some would make him angry; others would delight him; some he’d avoid, others he’d greet with pleasure. (And so it’s said that we meet what we mirror.)

So much for the manner in which our level of consciousness – that is; the world we encounter as passive observers – decides what we see. It’s true that we’ll react to things in a fashion predicated by the level that we perceive them from, that is to say, external events may define conditions, but they don’t determine the consciousness level of human response…”

Your Life – Your Choice – Your Consciousness

So what did you first see when you set eyes upon this homeless man?

After reading the above passage, where do you fall on the scale of consciousness?

Are you surprised to know that there are many ways to perceive the same thing?

Can you see now that it is the quality of our consciousness that determines our reality?

What we believe, we percieve.

Self-Inquiry and The Spiritual Journey

We all have beliefs, but the challenge is that many of these are unconscious. When we are called to walk the spiritual path we are being called to question our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Self-inquiry is the conscious act of questioning oneself and reflecting on whether a particular belief or thought is true.

Examining our thoughts helps us to recognize where we are holding ourselves back in life, where we are limiting ourselves, and where we are not taking responsiblity.

The awakening process is about coming to the truth of who and what we are. We must examine our thoughts and beliefs in order to evolve beyond certain attitudes, states of mind, and perceptions.

Having a spiritual teacher, mentor, and coach can facilitate this process of self-inquiry by asking you the tough questions, helping you face your shadow self, and support you in the integration process.

If you are interested in learning more about Spiritual Coaching and Mentoring please schedule your discovery call today. I look forward to meeting you! 

Where Do Negative Thoughts Come From?

None of us are strangers to the odd negative thought.

Sometimes these negative thoughts come into our mindscape like a cloud and dissolve on their own never to return again. But sometimes those pesky ‘sticky’ thoughts tend to hang around for much longer than we’d like. 

We’ve all heard that ‘thoughts are things’, but where exactly do our thoughts come from? Specifically negative thoughts?

In today’s video I discuss the nature of negative thoughts and emotions, why we have  them, and where they come from, but most importantly how to dissolve them from their core.

All you need to do is ask yourself just ONE question,…are you up for it?

Anger Part II – Self Inquiry and Visualization for Empowerment and Enlightenment

This is the second part to my video series entitled Frustration, Anger and Rage.

Please watch the following video for my step-by-step process on how to learn from your anger and transmute it into compassion.



To supplement the above video, please refer to the following instructions:

At the first indication of frustration, irritation, or anger please stop. Close your eyes. Take a deep inhale and exhale and continue this for up to 10 breaths. Align yourself to the present moment. Once you are settled, move on to the 5 questions found below:

5 Questions Back To Sanity: (Self-Inquiry)

1. Identify the cause of your anger and the reason you feel slighted.

2. Ask yourself, what just happened to trigger this?

3. Ask yourself, what are your beliefs that dictate you are justified in your reaction?

4. Ask yourself if your beliefs are a universal truth and fact that all humans operate by?

5. Ask yourself if there is a higher perspective available to you for this given situation. If so, what is it?


To the best of your ability, try and put yourself into the other person’s shoes. If you were them, operating under their exact life circumstances, their exact upbringing, their exact thoughts and emotions, and their exact energetic state, would you have been able to choose differently?

Tip: There is no perfect way to visualize. Whatever you can allow yourself to see and feel is what is right for you right now. Refrain from over analyzing with the mind and emphasize feeling with the heart.

Living In The Now – Your Empowering Conclusion:

This is why we go through this process; to empower ourselves through a wider variety of available choices and options by which to find a workable solution.

Everyone’s empowering conclusion will be different based on where they are at in their personal growth and capabilities. Some people may wish to end engagement, others may wish to be of help/service, while others may wish to orchestrate more elaborate solutions.

Each case is unique and there is no perfect or right solution – just what is best for you, right here, right now. 😉

Becoming Energy Rich – How To Plug Into Source To Stay High

Human beings are like living batteries. The amount of energy we have available each day is determined by many things including karmic imprints and lifestyle choices. When one is on the spiritual path, increasing your available energy and keeping it at a high vibration is of utmost importance. We stay high to not only experience life in a more purified and blissful state of consciousness but we also keep ourselves energy rich to assist the conscious growth of others and prepare ourselves for our own awakening and self-realization. Any form of spiritual practice is meant to increase the vibration of the human energy system and expand our level of consciousness.

When an individual is energy rich they not only have the physical stamina to withstand many daily activities but they have the mental control to stay on task without deviation, disruption, distraction, or boredom. In other words, they are in total conscious control of their living experience.

As you may imagine, living with total awareness takes a tremendous amount of conscious energy. To be able to sense your environment effortlessly, know the appropriate way to respond, and not take on any negative energy takes a high degree of self-mastery. Those individuals who live in this high vibrational state choose their state of mind and emotional response. Life isn’t happening to them but rather IN THEM. Individual’s with this level of presence choose to interact in a peaceful and loving manner with detachment to outcome and freedom from expectations. This is the highest way to experience life.

Live Like a Master

In order to aspire to live as a Master, one needs to understand basic energy principles. Perhaps the easiest way to maintain a high vibration throughout the day is simply to learn how not to leak it. Any information that we take in through our five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch takes energy to process. Though the vast majority of this goes unnoticed and is stored subconsciously, we are taking in innumerable points of data every moment we exist.

The external environment plays a huge role on human consciousness along with mental and physical health. The average person naively offers their mind, body and emotions to extremely damaging energetic vibrations that come in many forms: negative news, vacuous social media updates, pointless celebrity rumors, low vibratory music, shallow gossip, depressing people and gloomy living environments.

When we allow this energy to creep into our mind and affect our emotions we naturally become agitated, anxious and sometimes even angry. This surplus of accumulated negative energy lowers our vibration. When this occurs people tend to look for ways to release and throw off the negativity through recurring cycles of gossip, jealousy, resentment, shame and blame. The body reacts with agitation, shallow breathing, high blood pressure, low functioning organs, and eventual toxicity buildup. The connection between negative/low vibration stimuli with physical disease and mental illness is clear.

Thus, an easy first step towards plugging energy leaks is to take a good look at your current lifestyle and living circumstances. Where do you spend your time? Who are you with? Why are you engaging in this activity? How are you affected by it? What do you stand to gain from it? Can you choose another activity that offers a more uplifting and positive experience?

Self-inquiry and the ability to question our actions and behavior is a fundamental prerequisite towards becoming energy rich. We cannot live a life of high vibrational joy if we do not understand how and where we are limiting ourselves.

See Like a Sage

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dyer

Our attitudes determine our perception and thus our reality. Those that are energy rich see reality with crystal-clear clarity, just as it IS without modifying it according to our limited perceptions or beliefs. To attain to this level of clarity in perception one must discard what isn’t true.

Truth is relative to the subjective observer as long as one identifies with a personal story or background anchor personality. A personality is a ‘persona’ or mask we wear to operate in this world, even though our true nature is actually infinite conscious awareness.

Seeing reality without the limitations of a small self or personality is what most of us are working on in our spiritual work and practices. We can accelerate this process by reminding ourselves continually that whatever we can believe about ourselves can never true.

“Any story that you tell about yourself causes suffering. There is no authentic story.” – Byron Katie

Going within and asking oneself “Who Am I?” will elicit many answers from the mind. Keep asking this question until the mind exhausts itself. Sit in the stillness. It has been called by many names but words cannot possibly describe the ineffable. Our true nature is beyond the confines of our bodies, minds, or emotions.

Individuals who ‘carry their personalities like clothing’ are fluid and go with the flow of life. Though they may encounter difficult situations, it is their attitude that determines their individual experience of reality. Creating a distance between our true nature and our many personalities allows one to interact in a wide variety of circumstances and energies without being subject to it. Consciously creating the personality is a skill all enlightened beings have mastered.

I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I Am.” – Eckhart Tolle

Be Like a Buddha

Slowing down the amount of thoughts we have has a direct impact on our mental and physical health. An enlightened person has no thought unless consciously created for a specific purpose. This is exactly how the mind is meant to be used; as a tool for exploration and interaction not as a torture device driving us to insanity.

Since most of us are not operating on that level of energy efficiency we must choose a modified way of slowing down our thought process and conserving our energy. One thing we can do is start a regular meditation practice that entrains the brain to a greater amount of coherency between the two hemispheres. A sustained meditation practice calms the body/mind, offers a higher degree of awareness, alters perception to a more positive reference and outlook to reality, and plugs you into source.

Get High Like a Yogi

Not only does thought affect our mental health but our bodies also process these thoughts and emotions through chemical changes in our blood.

“All experiences are chemical, without any exception.” – Osho

Thus, anger is an actual chemical composition that the body reacts to and manifests. Peace is an actual chemical composition that the body reacts to and manifests. Bliss and feeling high is an actual chemical composition that the body reacts to and manifests! These states of consciousness are accessed through the mind and do not need an external chemical source.

There are many paths towards self-realization. The yogic sciences is by far the most disciplined due to the dual control of both the body and the mind. Yogi’s alter their states of consciousness through breath work and enhanced energy states. When you train the body/mind to follow orders from you, you can consciously choose whatever state of mind you are in. Given this choice, what would you choose?

“I don’t think there is anything wrong with alcohol, I am ignoring it because it doesn’t have enough kick in it. I am constantly drunk on something else – simply drunk on life. I can get intoxicated on just my inhalation and exhalation. People have fallen for alcohol because that is the biggest thing that they have seen. I am offering them a different drink, a drink which is much more intoxicating than alcohol. Most people who have tasted this with me have given up alcohol, not because they think it is bad, but because they think it is kindergarten stuff. They have grown beyond it.” – Sadhguru

Choose Your Fuel Wisely

In the ayurvedic sciences it has long been known to exist three main categories of foods: sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic. Foods that are tamasic cause dullness in the body/mind and make an individual feel listless, tired, and unmotivated to do anything. Rajasic foods are highly irritating and stimulating; they tend to deplete energy quickly. Sattvic foods uplift the body/mind and create pleasantness in the system.

Paying attention to the fuel you give to your body absolutely affects your state of mind. It is best to consume natural, organic foods that are preferably raw with all their natural enzymes. Fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes are always a safe and reliable source of fuel for the body/mind. Choosing a highly sattvic diet with high pranic availability provides an excellent boost in energy and helps you plug into source easily.

Living an Energy Rich Life

The #1 way to live an energy rich life is to become more aware; more aware of where you leak energy, more aware of how you limit yourself through your story, more aware of your persistent runaway thoughts, and more aware of your physical diet. These are just some ways in which we live unconsciously and at the mercy of external circumstances.

It is time that we learn how to live a life full of joy and love by learning how to use the body/mind to explore creation as it was meant to be experienced. If you are tired of leaking energy and need to make some lifestyle changes a Life Coach Life Coach can help create more awareness to live a more balanced and empowered life.

Spiritual Coaching sessions include self-inquiry, guided meditations, lifestyle design, goal setting and homework to help steer you in the right direction and rediscover your innate talents, gifts and personal power. If you are interested in gaining control of your body/mind and want to learn how to plug into source daily while keeping yourself accountable, please contact me, I would love to work with you! Please click the button below to schedule your free discovery call now!

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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