All Suffering Is Self-Created

We all know what suffering is. It can span the spectrum from mild anxiety and stress to extreme terror or grave depression. It is true that all human beings experience setbacks, disappointments and tragedies in life. No one is exempt from tasting all the flavors of this world.

Yet there are some people who are resiliant and overcome their hardships whereas others seem to be stuck in their misery and victimhood. Some people are able to attract good jobs, beautiful homes, kind friends, and maintain a healthy body where others accrue more debt, keep getting in trouble with the law, remain stuck in a rut, or live with chronic illness. There must be a reason why some people are able to transcend their suffering while others perpetuate it. What is the cause of all this?

It is widely known in Western psychology as well as in Eastern spirituality that the suffering we experience is because we believe our thoughts. It is our thought and belief of a person or situation that causes our pain and suffering; not the actual experience or person. This may sound like a radical notion but it is the foundation towards self-realization and personal empowerment.

Generally, mental and emotional healing come through greater self-awareness and understanding. In Western psychology the aim is to generate increased levels of self-awareness while learning coping mechanisms in order to reframe our past and current life circumstances. In coaching we uncover hidden limitations to an individual’s state of awareness and set actionable goals towards living a more fulfilling and satisfying life. In spiritual self realization we take responsibility for everything that has ever happened to us and use it as a catalyst towards discovering our true nature.   

Breaking The Unconscious Programming Of The Past

Many people grew up in chaotic, distressful and negative family environments and have lots of emotional wounds from their early life experiences. These life situations have left their mark on people and color their world in the way they percieve life. In many ways these individual’s unconsciously attract the same negative people, places, and things that they were once subjected to simply because they are unaware. These people are innocently unconscious and ignorant to their own programming and lack the self-awareness and clarity to seek an alternate way of living consciously in the world. Whether it is through counseling, therapy, coaching, or spiritual practice, there are proven ways in which an individual can break free from these repetitive karmic cycles.

In both Western psychology and Eastern spirituality, we can easily see how our external lives serve as a mirror to what is happening in our inner world. Thus, if one wants to know the inner nature of their mind all they need do is take an honest look at the life they are currently living. The players and characters in your world are mirrors of you. The circumstances we find ourselves in show us our current level of consciousness. The environment we live in illustrates our thoughts and emotions.

We alone determine how much or how little we get by what we feel we deserve. We are truly the creators of our own subjective reality and thus all of our happiness or suffering is completely self-created.      

This turning point in life is often the beginning of personal growth and possibly the spiritual path; one in which a human being no longer seeks external validation or approval from others but understands that lasting happiness and peace can only be found from within. There are no more victims and there are no more perpetrators. Only life circumstances by which we do our best with what we have. As we go within and acquire greater self-awareness and clarity of perception we see very clearly how the circumstances in our lives occur at the perfect time and place to offer help, assistance, guidance, lessons, alarms, and wake-up calls. If you are here reading this then perhaps you are ready to take responsibility for your thoughts and programming and consciously choose a more enhanced way of perceiviing and living life.

“All experiences facilitate the expansion of consciousness. There are no exceptions.” – Liz hancock

Learning To Accept The Present Moment As It Is

Life presents many situations for us to experience. Some of these are very challenging and extremely difficult. As we commit to greater self-awareness with Spiritual Life Coaching we know that accepting what is happening is the only way forward. We cannot change another person nor can we change what has happened to us and so we must let go of our expectations and allow the present moment to be what it is.

If you would like guidance and tools to help you navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and ease please click the button below to set up a discovery call. I look forward to working with you!

How To Find Yourself – Benefits of Advanced Meditation

When people think of meditation, they tend to think of relaxation and stress release, at least for the vast majority of the Western world.

But there is a lot more to meditation than simply sitting still.

It is important to be aware of the lesser known aspects and consequences of a naturally still mind.

Why is it important to know what a still mind experiences? 

Take a moment to think of the history of Western psychology. Is it not curious that we have made a science out of pathology and mental illness?

We have been so focused on what an imbalanced mind looks like with it’s cornucopia of anxieties, fears, syndromes and personality disorders that we have no idea what a balanced, clear and still mind looks like. 

You’ve heard of the old adage, “What we put attention to grows.” 

There are no wiser words said with regard to our fixation on mental illness. 

Instead of focusing on pathology we need to focus on clarity.

Meditation is far more than just sitting quietly as part of your morning power routine.

Meditation is transformation. It is spiritual alchemy.

Spiritual seekers from all creeds and belief structures eventually come upon meditation because it is like being called back home.

At some time or another, every person will come to ask themselves, “Why am I here?” “What is this world?” and ultimately, “Who am I?”

In order to answer these questions, one must go within and by within, I mean beyond the five outward facing senses.

Find yourself through meditation.

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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