Energy Dollars = Energy Efficiency
Imagine if you woke up every morning with $100 energy ‘dollars’ to spend every day. Knowing you had just $100 dollars to spend, what activities would you consciously choose to spend it on?
Building your new business?
Running five miles?
Caring for your children?
Cooking a healthy wholesome meal?
Reading a self-help book?
Learning a new skill?
Helping another person in need?
Or how about ruminating over a past transgression, scaring yourself through future ‘what-if’ scenarios, not feeling good enough and punishing yourself by habitually thinking sad, depressing, and/or anxious thoughts?
Did you know that every single thought, emotion, and feeling state that you experience has a very tangible and real energetic cost?
We are energy. Our vehicle of conscious in this life is the body/mind; that’s right, not two separate things but in fact one whole. Whatever thoughts circulate through our mind is immediately experienced in our body and we can always tune into our bodies to check what mental/emotional state we happen to put ourselves in.
The body always follows the mind. You can do a simple experiment to prove this. Think of a lemon, slice it, squeeze it and imagine drinking the juice. Did you just start to salivate? Reality is as you create it.
Our energy is our responsibility.
Frivolous Energy Expenditure
Knowing that our minds are potent creation tools, we must be more vigilant in how and where we choose to spend our energy dollars. For example, any information that we take in through our five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch takes energy to process. Though the vast majority of this goes unnoticed and is stored subconsciously, we are taking in innumerable points of data every moment we exist.
The external environment plays a huge role on human consciousness along with mental and physical health. The average person offers their body/mind aka spends their energy dollars, on extremely damaging energetic vibrations that come in many forms including: negative news, vacuous social media updates, pointless celebrity rumors, low vibratory music, shallow gossip, depressing people and gloomy living environments.
Our energy system is responsive to every thought we think. Consistent negative thoughts and energy expenditure results not only in mental illness but also physical symptoms such as agitation, stress, shallow breathing, high blood pressure, inflammation, low functioning organs, and eventual toxicity buildup. The connection between negative/low vibratory thoughts and external stimuli with physical disease and mental illness is clear.
Slowing Down The Amount Of Thoughts & Increasing Energy Dollars
Decreasing the amount of thoughts and emotional reactions we have throughout the day will have a direct impact on the amount of energy we retain, not to mention the added benefit of feeling at ease both mentally and physically. So, how do we slow down the amount of thoughts we have?
Through the practice of daily meditation methods, we slowly rewire our brain to be able to access and maintain this quiet state of high awareness for longer and longer periods. Through daily practice we become meditative, slowly taking over control of the tool we call ‘mind’ rather than having the mind control us.
Having a regular meditation practice allows us to slow the body/mind to an energetic state of high vibrancy with no thought. It is a peaceful and joyful state of consciousness that one can not do, but rather joyfully surrender into. With regular practice we slowly cultivate this higher state of consciousness and expand our capacity to hold more energy.
Individuals that meditate regularly are known to be calm, controlled, and at peace. They are not jumpy and react to every little jarring piece of external stimuli because they are in total control of their body/mind. They can see with clarity what is happening and consciously choose a higher more conducive way to respond. Overtime, this meditative quality becomes our everyday state of being; our normal state of consciousness.
As you may imagine, living with total awareness takes a tremendous amount of conscious energy. To be able to sense your environment effortlessly, know the appropriate way to respond, and not take on any negative energy takes a high degree of self-mastery. Those individuals who live in this high vibrational state choose their state of mind and emotional response. Life isn’t happening to them but rather IN THEM. Individual’s with this level of presence choose to interact in a peaceful and loving manner with detachment to outcome and freedom from expectations.
This is the highest way to experience life.
Instead of frivolously spending our energy dollars through unconscious habitual activity we now become energy ‘rich’ and are choosing who and what we wish to experience in our lives. We are the masters and have direct control of our conscious reality.
Thriving Instead of Surviving
Increasing your available energy and keeping it at a high vibration is of utmost importance. We stay high to not only experience life in a more purified and blissful state of consciousness but we also keep ourselves energy rich to assist the conscious growth of others and prepare ourselves for our own awakening and self-realization. Any form of self development practice is meant to increase the vibration of the human energy system and expand our level of consciousness.
It is time that we learn how to live a life full of joy and love by learning how to use the body/mind to explore creation as it was meant to be experienced. If you are tired of spending your energy dollars frivolously and want to make some lifestyle changes, a Spiritual Awareness & Integration Reading can change your life!
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