
We all know it’s easy to be our best and brightest selves when life is easy; when our body works the way we want, when events go as planned, or when all our expectations are being met.

It’s easy to be that kind, caring, compassionate, person when everything goes our way.

But we all know that life doesn’t always work like this. Sometimes we are met with circumstances that are out of our control and suddenly things take a turn for the worse.

We’ve all been there.

But when things go wrong and we think that life should be giving us something else, this is when the problem starts. This is where suffering begins. And this is called ‘resistance’.

Resistance is when we deny what is happening because we wish it would be something else.

Resistance is fear.

Everyone suffers resistance. Some of us more than others. Part of our process of evolving, becoming, and maturing is to deal with the present moment and learn to face what life offers us with courage, strength, and an attitude of acceptance.

Find out more in today’s video where I explain how resistance affects our thoughts. I also narrate an ancient Zen story about a farmer and his unique expression of “maybe”…..


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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Yogi, Mystic, Artist

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