Relationships are a fundamental aspect to our existence. From the time we are born to the time we have grown to be self-sufficient adults, we rely on human interaction and care in order to survive.

The foundations to how we relate to others is created largely through childhood and continues to expand and grow throughout our lives. As we grow, our relationship needs change.

One of the key recurring issues I see in my coaching practice are people who are unhappy with some aspect of their relationship with another person.

It could be their spouse, their parents, their boss, or friends. Whatever the nature of the relationship, somewhere along the way, people have become unhappy with how they interact with this other person.

They are no longer getting their needs met.

What happened? Whose fault is it? Is it them, you, or perhaps both?

In today’s video, I explore the above questions with you and help to break down the often confusing and highly emotional world of difficult relationships.

You’ll discover:

– What is the cause of our unhappiness?
– 5 key questions to to ask yourself to gain greater clarity on any relationship
– The critical ‘agreement’ that we all need to remember when dealing with anyone
– Who our teachers are and where to find them
– What technique to do when experiencing high emotions
– How to talk to anyone you are having difficulty with
– What you need to know in order to allow any relationship to flourish and grow…

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Yogi, Mystic, Artist

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