How To Get Rid of Suicidal Thoughts

Suicide. Self-annihilation. Killing oneself. Death. 

These are harsh words for anyone to hear, much less contemplate. Even some of the best therapists shy away when they hear a patient talk of suicidal thoughts. 

When it comes to harming oneself, there are many mixed emotions and feelings that surface within a human being’s mind.

We are entering the holiday season with Thanksgiving being right around the corner. Many emotions will be surfacing as we navigate this new chapter while still dealing with a global pandemic. Suicide and suicidal ideation is on the rise. 

This mental health crisis is seen across the world with so many people struggling to work from home, stay indoors, social distance, wear masks and manage family responsibilities with at home schooling. There are many that have lost their jobs, have limited income, and don’t have access to family or friends. The impact of all these external changes can be seen everywhere. 

I hope that you will join me in discovering how this question can be answered in today’s video. 


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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Yogi, Mystic, Artist

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