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✨Important Update: I No Longer Offer 1:1 Coaching✨


You don’t need weekly coaching sessions to receive deep spiritual guidance. Spiritual Awareness & Integration Reading offers the same level of insight—channeled uniquely for you—allowing for deeper integration at your own pace.

This is not a traditional energy reading. It is a highly personalized, in-depth reflection of your current state of consciousness—crafted specifically for advanced seekers who have already done inner work but still have lingering questions about their path.

“I am astounded, almost in disbelief at how accurately Elizabeth described my state, energy, and mindset. This reading is something I will return to again and again, and the guided meditation has been an incredible tool in my daily practice.” – Simon S.

If you are seeking profound clarity on your spiritual path, I invite you to explore this offering:

Learn More → Spiritual Awareness & Integration Reading

Otherwise, feel free to continue reading to understand more about this work.

How Can Energy Be Read Remotely?

A common question I receive is: How can you tune into someone’s energy without a live session?

Energy doesn’t require physical proximity to be perceived. Just as you can sense someone’s presence in a room without them speaking, or feel the mood shift when a person enters a space, your energetic field holds information.

As a long-time meditator and highly attuned yogi, I connect with the universal field of consciousness through deep meditative attunement. This allows me to access what is most relevant to you at this time—what needs to come into awareness for faster processing, integration, and growth.

Nothing is revealed that isn’t meant for these purposes. Your higher self is aware of this energetic exchange, and by requesting a reading, you give conscious permission for this work to unfold.

Rather than relying on conversation, I directly access this field, translate what is most relevant, and put it into words. This is an energetic reading, not based on questions and answers, but on deep connection.

Why This Reading is Written, Not Live

Some people wonder if a live Zoom session is necessary. The truth is, it isn’t—because energy speaks beyond words.

Instead of a fleeting conversation, this report offers something deeper—an eight-page personalized reading that you can revisit, reflect on, and integrate at your own pace. Many find that the written format allows for greater clarity, as they can absorb the insights over time rather than feeling rushed to process them in a single session.

Who This Is For (and Who It’s Not For)

This reading is for those who:

  • Trust that the right insights come at the right time.
  • Are open to receiving energy work in a non-traditional format.
  • Want to deepen their self-awareness and move through blocks.

This reading may not be for those who:

  • Need real-time verbal validation.
  • Are looking for physical confirmation rather than intuitive insight.
  • Prefer structured coaching over a self-guided integration process.

What You Will Receive

Your eight+ page Spiritual Awareness & Integration Reading is not a generic tarot reading—it is a fully channeled, personalized exploration of your energetic state at this moment in time.

It includes:

  • A deep energetic reflection—a map of where you stand on your spiritual path.
  • Personalized affirmations and insights to help you process and integrate your current experience.
  • Journal prompts to enhance self-inquiry and bring clarity after receiving your reading.
  • An exploration of what is supporting or hindering your growth—the unseen forces at work.
  • A look at limiting beliefs, outdated narratives, or subconscious resistance so you can release what no longer serves you.
  • The key lessons your soul is ready to integrate at this time.
  • Insights into surrender, trust, and divine flow—understanding where you are still holding on to control.
  • A focus on inner wisdom, self-awareness, and deep energetic alignment—so that you no longer seek answers outside yourself but recognize them as already within.

What This Reading Is Not

This is not a fortune-telling reading. It does not predict when you will meet your soulmate, get a raise, or move to a new home.

Instead, this reading provides:

  • Awareness and truth, not superficial reassurance.
  • Clarity on your current state, not guesses about the future.
  • A path to integration and transformation, not a quick fix.

If you are looking for a deeply reflective, truth-centered, and transformative experience, this reading is for you.

Why Is This an Investment in Your Growth?

Unlike fleeting conversations or surface-level readings, this offering provides a lasting resource for self-inquiry and transformation.

It is designed to guide you through deep awareness and integration, serving as a map for your spiritual journey. 

If This Resonates With You…

If this resonates, your reading will be a deep reflection of your energetic state—guiding you toward clarity, alignment, and integration.

And if it doesn’t feel aligned, that’s okay too—this work meets those who are ready.

Explore the Spiritual Awareness & Integration Reading

How A Spiritual Coach Works With Your Energy

I’ve received a few questions lately about how my Spiritual Awareness & Integration Reading works – specifically, how can I tune into someone’s energy without a live session?

If you’ve been wondering the same thing, let’s talk about it.

How Energy Can Be Read Without a Live Session

Energy doesn’t require physical proximity to be perceived. Just as you can sense someone’s presence in a room without them speaking, or feel the mood shift when someone enters a space, your energetic field holds information.

As a long-time meditator and highly attuned yogi, I connect with the universal field of consciousness through deep meditative attunement, allowing me to access what is most relevant to you at this time. By tuning into your energetic field, I gain insight into where you are on your spiritual journey and what needs to come into awareness for faster processing, integration, and growth.

Nothing is revealed to me that isn’t meant for these purposes. Your higher self is aware of this energetic exchange and your desire for the reading allows me to access it as your conscious permission has been given.

Through deep attunement, I access this field, translate what is most relevant for you at this moment, and put it into words. It’s a direct energetic reading – not based on conversation, but rather connection. I’m tapping into universal consciousness and accessing information specific to YOU.

Why This Reading is Written, Not Live

Some people wonder if a live Zoom session is necessary. The truth is, no it isn’t because energy speaks beyond words.

Instead of a fleeting conversation, this report offers something deeper—an 8+ page personalized reading that you can revisit, reflect on, and integrate at your own pace. Many find that the written format allows for greater clarity, as they can absorb the insights over time rather than feeling rushed to process them in a single session.

Who This is For (and Who It’s Not For)

This reading is for those who:
 Trust that the right insights come at the right time.
 Are open to receiving energy work in a non-traditional format.
 Want to deepen their self-awareness and move through blocks.

This reading may not be for those who:
❌ Need real-time verbal validation.
❌ Are looking for physical confirmation rather than intuitive insight.
❌ Are looking for a structured coaching format rather than a self-guided integration process.

If You Feel Called to This Work…

If this resonates, your reading will be a deep reflection of your energetic state—guiding you toward clarity, alignment, and integration. Learn more here: Spiritual Awareness & Integration Reading

And if it doesn’t feel aligned, that’s okay too— this work meets those who are ready.

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Yogi, Mystic, Artist

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