A New Year – A New You 🤗
It’s 2025
How’s your 2025 going so far? Have you committed to any new resolutions? Set any new goals? Promised yourself that you’ll do that one thing that you’ve always wanted to do?
The beginning of the year holds much promise as it presents to us a tabula rasa; a clean slate.
This clean slate is enticing. We are eager to start fresh and forget the past.
Resolve is high and motivation is flowing.
Unfortunately, statistics say that most people would have dropped their New Year’s resolution by January 17th, known infamously as ‘Quitter’s Day’.
There are many reasons why this happens, one of the biggest reasons is setting expectations too high.
Though it is a good thing to aim for the stars, realistically this can put a lot of pressure on someone and contribute to feeling overwhelmed and unprepared.
Setting expectations too high is part of not really have a realistic game plan. When you don’t really know what you are doing, you set yourself up for failure due to lack of information and preparation.
Procrastination is often what happens next. Lack of information, research, or planning tends to frighten most people from starting in the first place. Remaining frozen with no idea where to go or what to do is often times what happens. There is a desire to change, but the ‘how’ of it is lost. How many of you can relate?
Another big reason for most resolutions to fail is due to lack of discipline. Discipline gets a bad rap these days, as seen in most people’s daily habits and way of life. We’ve become more lazy and apathetic as technology and ease of lifestyle increases. We aren’t really used to ‘working’ for anything anymore and prefer to take the easy way out instead of playing the long game of delayed gratification.
Finally, another big reason for a lack of resolve towards a New Year’s goal is having to do it alone. Many people prefer to do things with a group of people or a support mechanism of some kind. When this element is missing, it is very difficult for certain people to stay motivated and inspired for a long-term objective.
So, what is the secret? How can we get past these limitations to realize our goals this year? How can we make 2024 different?
First, what is it that you desire? You have to be VERY VERY VERY clear about this.
Being VERY clear is a prerequisite towards any change.
Being clear defines your purpose.
Being clear sets you on a clear path and direction.
Knowing ‘what’ you want and being very clear about it is what will ultimately bring you success in any area of life; whether that’s in the physical realm of career, health, family life, or in the spiritual dimension of inner awareness, depth of being, and clarity of perception.
It is the wishy-washy, gray-area, hemming and hawing kind of attitude that results in failure, lack of progress, and missed goals.
Having clarity of purpose is THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT towards any transformation or change in life. You cannot accidently stumble upon greatness, bump into coincidental abundance, or fall upon everlasting joy. These things do not fall out of the sky and into your lap like in a children’s book.
The #1 ingredient towards change is having a very clear desire of what it is that you want.
This one ingredient will set your compass direction and keep you steady as you progress towards this goal.
This one ingredient will help you stay the course and remind you why you started in the first place.
This one ingredient will be your inspiration, motivation, and personal cheerleader when you feel tired, confused, or beaten down (and you will feel all these things).
Knowing what you want is all that you need to set the course for your chosen path, that is why it is so important and crucial to define this before anything else.
The second step is part of the first step. You have to ask yourself, ‘How bad do I want this?’
Just one question.
‘How bad do I want this to happen for me?’
Answer this question on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being I really really want this and 1 being I don’t want this at all.
If your answer is 7 or less, then chances are this goal or desire isn’t ripe enough for you to actualize and manifest right now.
You have to be honest with yourself.
In order to make things happen in life you need to have ample energy to fuel your path towards success, whatever that is.
Without the necessary energy you will not realize this goal.
This is a hard truth that most people ignore.
Setting long-term goals is a journey. It is like sailing across a vast empty ocean where all you have is your compass to keep you on course. You don’t know what weather you’ll encounter along the way, whether or not there will be pirates trying to rob you, or suffer a shortage of supplies.
This is the reality with any goal. You must be brave enough to withstand unforeseen hardships and setbacks but still stay the course!
Again, you know exactly what your desire is and have set your compass accordingly. This is why knowing exactly what you want is so important. Without having a clear purpose many people will bail on their goals after the first hardship or setback which just starts the cycle of disappointment all over again.
Are you ready for change? Are you ready for real metamorphosis? For lasting transformation?
Are you clear on what it is that you want?
Are you at a 7 or above?
If so, maybe you are ready to for my powerful Spiritual Awareness & Integration Reading!
Rediscover and Empower Yourself with An Energetic Reading
An Awareness and Integration Reading supports you in cultivating greater self-awareness and heightened perception. This intuitive and energetic experience gently guides you through introspection, illuminating unconscious patterns and energetic blocks that may be holding you back. You’ll receive personalized guidance, practical self-inquiry questions, and intuitive insights designed to help you integrate these newfound understandings into meaningful growth and transformation.