Introvert vs. Extrovert – Self-Expression and Need Fulfillment

What Does Introversion and Extroversion REALLY Mean?

Have you labelled yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?

If you have, you are certainly not alone. Introversion and extroversion are a popular way of labelling, categorizing, and understanding how a person interacts with the world.

This understanding usually has the added belief that your personality is fixed, static, and unchanging. Do you believe this to be true? How does this benefit or limit you? Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

So many people think that we are fixed beings that are stuck with personalities that (depending on your perspective), either limit us or provide possibilities for us. But what if our personalities were fluid, ever-changing, and new?

Most people are not aware that personality formation can be 100% in your control IF you have the necessary self-awareness to consciously choose your form of self-expression.

This alternate way of thinking provides an opportunity for growth, expansion, and transformation in human consciousness by not limiting ourselves to labels, names, or identifications.

If you ever wondered if it is possible to change, or if being an introvert or an extrovert is a permanent label then you’ll definitely want to check out today’s video!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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