Anger Part 1 – What You Need To Know About Frustration, Anger and Rage


Is anger just a normal part of life or is there a better way to live?

This past week in the US we have seen how much further we need to go in terms of compassion, awareness, and love for all beings.

Violence in any form is unacceptable and a sign of deep suffering within an individual.

Of all the beings on this planet, humanity is the most evolved yet we still act like savage animals. It is time that humanity sees that division in any form is simply exclusion.

The only way to evolve is to look within, gain greater awareness of oneself, and question our beliefs and thoughts.

Frustration, anger and rage are all symptoms of an unconscious mind. Living this way is painful and not normal. So, what can we do?

In today’s video I discuss these emotions and why humans are not only capable but also responsible for living a life that is more evolved and consciously aware. You will learn what an enlightened mind is like and how a Buddha views the world.

You will also learn three powerful lessons that will help you navigate life better with regard to anger.

Hint* You’ll need to stop pointing the finger and take a look in the mirror if you want any lasting change to happen.    



Anger To Awareness – Seeing Life From A Higher Perspective 

Although frustration, anger and rage are considered common on the human spectrum of emotions, these emotional reactions are extremely energy depleting, physically toxic, and mentally destablizing. As humans we have been graced with conscious self-awareness and are meant to use our minds as tools; not it’s slave. 

As we commit to greater self-awareness with Spiritual Life Coaching we slowly change from unconscious reactions of fear to conscious responses of love and compassion. 

If you would like guidance and tools to help you navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and ease please click the button below to set up a discovery call. I look forward to working with you!

Anger Part II – Self Inquiry and Visualization for Empowerment and Enlightenment

This is the second part to my video series entitled Frustration, Anger and Rage.

Please watch the following video for my step-by-step process on how to learn from your anger and transmute it into compassion.



To supplement the above video, please refer to the following instructions:

At the first indication of frustration, irritation, or anger please stop. Close your eyes. Take a deep inhale and exhale and continue this for up to 10 breaths. Align yourself to the present moment. Once you are settled, move on to the 5 questions found below:

5 Questions Back To Sanity: (Self-Inquiry)

1. Identify the cause of your anger and the reason you feel slighted.

2. Ask yourself, what just happened to trigger this?

3. Ask yourself, what are your beliefs that dictate you are justified in your reaction?

4. Ask yourself if your beliefs are a universal truth and fact that all humans operate by?

5. Ask yourself if there is a higher perspective available to you for this given situation. If so, what is it?


To the best of your ability, try and put yourself into the other person’s shoes. If you were them, operating under their exact life circumstances, their exact upbringing, their exact thoughts and emotions, and their exact energetic state, would you have been able to choose differently?

Tip: There is no perfect way to visualize. Whatever you can allow yourself to see and feel is what is right for you right now. Refrain from over analyzing with the mind and emphasize feeling with the heart.

Living In The Now – Your Empowering Conclusion:

This is why we go through this process; to empower ourselves through a wider variety of available choices and options by which to find a workable solution.

Everyone’s empowering conclusion will be different based on where they are at in their personal growth and capabilities. Some people may wish to end engagement, others may wish to be of help/service, while others may wish to orchestrate more elaborate solutions.

Each case is unique and there is no perfect or right solution – just what is best for you, right here, right now. 😉

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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