Beyond You Blog
“Having never left the house, you are looking for a way home.” – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
What Are Your Triggers?
In terms of spiritual growth and evolution, whatever you find particularly triggering can serve as a sign post of where you need to do your inner work.
How And Why We Engage in Self-sabotaging Behavior
What is self-sabotaging behavior? How and why do we engage in it? What can be done to stop limiting ourselves?
How To Find Inner Peace
Finding peace is not a path of escapism. Finding and abiding in peace requires the often-times painful prerequisite of facing all inner demons and consciously dissolving them.
Good vs. Evil – Understanding Why “Evil” Exists
Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in our world? Where does this negative energy come from?
Listening to Your Inner Wisdom
If we all knew how to access the deep inner wisdom that we all have, then we wouldn’t have a need for doctors, therapists, or spiritual teachers.
What Is True Freedom?
Isn’t it interesting that solitary confinement is used as a punishment in some prison systems yet self-imposed solitary confinement and silence is regularly used as a spiritual practice?
What You Need To Know About Spiritual & Mystical Experiences
What are miracles? Do other worldly beings exist? What happens after death? Can we see into our future? Can we travel to other dimensions?
Where Do Negative Thoughts Come From?
We’ve all heard that ‘thoughts are things’, but where exactly do our thoughts come from? Specifically negative thoughts?
Change This One Thing and You’ll Change Your Life
Profound energetic shifts can be made simply by the willingness to see your life from another point of view.
Energetically Align To Your Future Self NOW!
What if you could see yourself in your highest vision? Energetically align to your future self NOW! Guided meditation: “Higher Vision Energy Blueprint”.