Beyond You Blog
“Having never left the house, you are looking for a way home.” – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Feeling Fear In The Present Moment
It’s easy to be happy when things go our way, when things are easy and expected. But what about when they aren’t? How can we deal with our fear?
Dare To Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs
Beliefs are like software programs that we unconsciously download to help us navigate through life. Learn how to reprogram your inner software and consciously transform yourself.
Discover Your Life Purpose and True Calling
Do we all in fact have a life purpose? Do we each have a “true” calling? If we did, how would we recognize it? Is there more than one calling in a lifetime?
What is a Miracle? Synchronicity? Serendipity? Coincidence?
We are surrounded by miracles, every moment, every instant, every second. But, these miracles may not be what you consider to be miracles.
What Do You See When You Look At This Homeless Man?
What do you see here? A worthless bum or joyful free being? A disgusting vagrant or a version of your greater Self? How you see the world tells a lot about you.
Who Will You Be When You’re 80 Years Old?
Live now. Take the leap of faith now. Challenge yourself. Explore. Go on an adventure. Don’t wait for someone or something to happen. Make it happen.
Magical Power Places – Sedona, Arizona
When you visit a magical power place your opportunity to grow and evolve is accelerated because the energy is more concentrated and uplifting.
How To Get Over Imposter Syndrome
Do you sometimes feel like a fraud even though you know you have the necessary accomplishments, education, experience and acumen to be doing what you’re doing?
Tired of Society?
Are there places we can go to get away from it all? What would these places be like? What could we learn about ourselves?
Does It Help To Analyze Our Past?
Does it help to analyze our past? Do we need to look to our past to know who we are? Who or what are we? How can we find the answer to these questions?