Beyond You Blog
“Having never left the house, you are looking for a way home.” – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Does It Help To Analyze Our Past?
Does it help to analyze our past? Do we need to look to our past to know who we are? Who or what are we? How can we find the answer to these questions?

How To Be More Confident – The Confidence Formula That Works
When our knowledge and abilities are continually executed with a high level of precision that results in a successful track record, we build confidence.

All Suffering Is Self-Created
From scarcity to abundance, the mindset you have determines the life you live. Understand how we determine how much or little we get by what we feel we deserve.

Listening to Your Inner Wisdom
If we all knew how to access the deep inner wisdom that we all have, then we wouldn’t have a need for doctors, therapists, or spiritual teachers.

What Do You See When You Look At This Homeless Man?
What do you see here? A worthless bum or joyful free being? A disgusting vagrant or a version of your greater Self? How you see the world tells a lot about you.

How To Stop Caring About What Others Think of You
The fear of being judged is a universal fear; nearly everyone suffers from it. But there is a way to get beyond this fear and to rise above it.

The Virtue of Paying Attention
Increasing your capacity and capability to be fully aware and attentive to your present surroundings is integral to living a life full of joy and happiness.

Energetically Align To Your Future Self NOW!
What if you could see yourself in your highest vision? Energetically align to your future self NOW! Guided meditation: “Higher Vision Energy Blueprint”.

What Makes Someone Wise?
Wisdom does not just come coincidentally to some and miss others. Wisdom is a byproduct of a self-aware mind.

How To Get High Naturally By Increasing Your Prana
Do you know that our ability to lead a productive life full of joy and meaning relies heavily upon how much energy we have available to us at any given time?