What Is True Freedom?

I always found it interesting that solitary confinement is used as a punishment in some prison systems yet self-imposed solitary confinement and silence is regularly used as spiritual sadhana (practices).

What can be seen as torture for one individual can be a means of enlightenment for another. 

This thought reminds me of a documentary I came upon just over a year ago describing the life story of a death row inmate that was wrongly accused of murder. In his book and later movie, “The Fear of 13“, Nick Yarris describes in heart wrenching detail the poor life choices he made and their subsequent consequences. His story is one of unimaginable suffering, yet there is something about his extraordinary tenacity and careful words that strikes a powerful and lasting effect with the listener. 

In one of the last scenes he describes how he was elated to discover that he had finally proved his innocence through DNA exoneration. His 20+ years on death row had finally come to an end. But just as this news broke he found himself being unceremoniously ripped from his standard cell with keepsakes, toiletries, books and art and thrown into a tiny windowless compartment with nothing but the clothes on his back. Why? Although not his first time in solitary confinement, this occasion was particularly cruel as the prison guards had only one reason for shifting cells; one last kick while he was down.  

Sitting in his cell he could have easily manifested any understandable emotion: anger, spite, hate, envy, jealousy, bitterness. Yet instead he did something truly miraculous. He calmly sat down in his cross-legged yoga posture and then proceeded to close his eyes. 

He narrated, “…they left me with nothing, so I decided to give myself everything.” 

He then went on to describe how he finally allowed himself to envision his new life once he got out of the prison system, what he’d wear, who he’d be with, where he’d go, what love he’d meet and what love he’d give.

He now spends his days advocating love and kindness to a world that desperately needs it.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Victor Frankl

In a similar vein, when Dan Rather asked Nelson Mandela in a 1990 interview, “What was the worst thing that happened to you when you were in prison?” Nelson didn’t hesitate to respond, “It is easy to forget the past, and I cannot answer your question because I frankly do not remember.”

Of course we are all very familiar with Nelson Mandela’s powerful legacy of peace, justice and most of all forgiveness.

And finally a more recent example of the power of the human spirit can be showcased in the newly discovered musical compositions that prisoners in Nazi concentration camps wrote and smuggled out through laundry and other desperate means. Some composed their symphonies on toilet paper written with charcoal given to them as dysentary medicine.

“When you lost freedom…toilet paper and coal can be freedom.” – Francesco Lotoro

The definition of freedom states, “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint” but this is the dictionary, a book filled with words that were defined by humans and in this specific case, a word that has evolved beyond its previous contextual meaning.

True freedom has nothing to do with exerting yourself onto others simply because you can. Freedom is something far more powerful – it is the perseverance of the human spirit, to consciously choose your attitude in any given experience; to respond in full awareness and take 100% responsibility.

Freedom is living in a high vibrancy state with hearts open to give and receive without limit, minds that are free to perceive reality as it is with clarity, and boundless awareness of our connection to all life in all its myriad of forms.

This is true freedom.

If you are inspired by these stories of true human freedom and would like to make some lifestyle changes, a Spiritual Life Coach can help create more awareness to live a more balanced and empowered life. Spiritual mentorship and life coaching sessions include self-inquiry, guided meditations, lifestyle design, goal setting and homework to help steer you in the right direction and rediscover your innate talents, gifts and personal power.

We all deserve to live our lives as an expression of true freedom and joy. If you are interested in taking back control of your life while keeping yourself accountable, please contact me, I would love to work with you!

Please click the button below to schedule your free discovery call now!

What You Need To Know About Spiritual & Mystical Experiences

Do You Believe In Magic?

Did you have an imaginary friend when you were young? Many children did.

When we were young our imagination allowed us to explore our world in a much more fluid, free, and open way. We all know that children are very sensitive to energy and vibration much like nature is. As we grew older and learned to narrow our focus onto the linear and physical world of power, achievement, and success we slowly lost the sensitive connection we once had with existence. As a result, we all live in a concrete world of Newtonian physics, logic, and rationality.

We have all become skeptics to miracles, magic, and wonder. We have lost sense of who and what we truly are. Yet, despite closing ourselves off we cannot seem to shake that inner spark of intrigue, curiosity, and interest into things we cannot yet understand.

What are miracles? Do other worldly beings exist? What happens after death? Can we see into our future? Can we travel to other dimensions? Do we have the power to see anything, anywhere, anytime simply through the power of intent? Is any of what we call ‘unexplained’ phenomena truly real?

In today’s video we explore the concept of spiritual and mystical experiences and how they relate to the spiritual journey towards greater self-awareness and transformation. I’ll discuss what purpose these experiences serve, why they occur, and how to invite more of them into your life.

For all those that are curious to explore more than what meets the eye!

Where Do Negative Thoughts Come From?

None of us are strangers to the odd negative thought.

Sometimes these negative thoughts come into our mindscape like a cloud and dissolve on their own never to return again. But sometimes those pesky ‘sticky’ thoughts tend to hang around for much longer than we’d like. 

We’ve all heard that ‘thoughts are things’, but where exactly do our thoughts come from? Specifically negative thoughts?

In today’s video I discuss the nature of negative thoughts and emotions, why we have  them, and where they come from, but most importantly how to dissolve them from their core.

All you need to do is ask yourself just ONE question,…are you up for it?

Change This One Thing and You’ll Change Your Life

As a coach I have the privilege of partnering with some of the most interesting, dedicated, disciplined, intelligent, hard working, and compassionate people across the world. They all come to me with different challenges and areas of concern with a hope that by partnering with a coach they will release blocks, limitations, and set themselves free. It never seizes to amaze me that in a matter of a few short weeks profound transformations can be realized. 

But you know what is the most surprising? Their external life doesn’t appear to be any different. They may still be in the same job, processing those difficult relationships, getting back into shape, preparing for that interview, or in the process of moving into a new home. Their lives are still in flux and transition.

Yet, transformation has already been made. They are changed forever and will never be the same, simply by changing one simple thing… 

Are you ready to know the secret?

It’s all about Perspective.


You may laugh at the banality of this cliche, yet true awakenings cannot happen any other way.

Have you ever heard of karma? Karma is the energetic hold of the past that dictates our future. Without clarity of insight we are bound to continue repeating cycle upon cycle of repeated stories from our past.

What does it take to break this cycle aka karma?

Again, awareness and a change in perspective.

That’s it.

Why Shifting Your Perspective Is Freedom

Profound energetic shifts can be made simply by being willing to see your life from another point of view.

It all comes down to how we define a particular event or experience. From an energy perspective, nothing is either good or bad yet as humans we attach meaning to our experiences; some positive, negative or neutral.

We don’t remember the toothpaste brand we used 15 years ago on this day, or the food that we ate because we don’t attribute any meaning to this neutral event. In other words, the experience of the particular food we ate or brushing our teeth are considered neutral or mundane and therefore do not have a strong energetic hold in our memory bank.

Contrast this to the distinct memory of your first job interview or falling in love for the first time. These memories are vivid and still alive within you since we have attributed meaning to this event.

Meaning gives rise to emotion, and emotion gives rise to a feeling tone which dictates how we see the world.

Our memories are nothing more than anchors to feeling states, images, sounds and sensations – which all rely on the meaning we assign them. 

Therefore, the stronger the feeling or emotion, the more distinct the memory. 

The more distinct the memory, the more we define ourselves by it.

You are the creative director of your life movie. What memories and meaning do you assign to your life which predicts your future?


We cannot change the past but we do have the power to alter our perception of it.

A failed job interview can be viewed from the perspective of disappointment, shame, and fear. If you choose to label this experience this way then any subsequent future job interview will be colored with this energetic vibration.

This is self sabotaging at its best.

However, if we attribute a different meaning to this event, we can change our potential future. A failed job interview can equally be viewed from the point of view that it was a fantastic learning experience, we were given the opportunity to see where we could improve and we now have an understanding of what we need to do in order to improve our performance for next time.

With this perspective we learn from our mistakes and open ourselves up for inviting a more positive future experience.

What about situations where people have hurt or abused us? How can we possibly change our attitude or attribute a different meaning to a very obvious situation of abuse, neglect, or abandonment?

Even in these extreme experiences we have the power to choose a different meaning for us; albeit it requires a willingness to see that people act according to their level of conscious evolution or awareness level at that time. 

For example, if you were neglected or abused as a child and your parent treated you poorly you can choose to see yourself as a victim and feel sorry for your upbringing, and that you didn’t grow up in a healthy and loving home.

There are many people who can relate to this narrative so you will never be alone in reliving the past through other people’s negative memories. People form all kinds of groups, clubs, or social activities to perpetuate the identification they choose to keep alive. 

On the other hand, you can choose a different perspective – of empowerment and higher awareness. This requires that you dis-identify with the old story and create a new one. Why not? You are the creative director of your life! Who else is going to do it?

Freedom from reliving the past can be found through one very potent universal law: Nothing other people do is because of you. All people’s actions are limited to their conscious awareness at that particular moment in time, and they act in the best way they know how. 

People act in the best way they know how. This includes you.

You and everyone else are simply doing the best they can with what they know.


So, first see through eyes of compassion and understanding for others and yourself. We are all doing the best we can. If you can accept this and truly embody this, then your life will open up in new ways that have never before been available to you.

What we believe we perceive.

If you change the way you view your past (aka karma) you reclaim your power to consciously choose your future, and this, my dear friend, is self mastery at its finest!


These shifts are so powerful that once you accept them, you open yourself to a whole new world that you were previously blind to. Indeed this world is full of magic, wonder, miracles, and immense love.


Have you lost yourself and forgotten the miracle that you are?

Have you forgotten how powerful you are?

It’s time to feel deserving of love, happiness, abundance, vitality and passion. It’s time to rediscover and empower yourself!

Spiritual Life Coach can guide you and help you to remember what you already know – the answers are already inside you!

Your greatest wish and desire are a living reality waiting to be actualized through your beliefs and behaviors.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Reality operates no other way. You are the creative director of your world!

If you are ready to create lasting change and need help in overcoming the past, your story, or karmic cycles then please click the button below and contact me.

I’m ready to work with you – are YOU ready?

Energetically Align To Your Future Self NOW!

What if you could see yourself in your highest vision; doing what you love, what you dream, or what you’ve always yearned to be? Maybe for some it’s having simple pleasures like a balanced and healthy body, or perhaps starting a business, or maybe even enlightenment in this lifetime.

Have you ever asked yourself what your highest vision for yourself is? What you could realistically become if you just put all your energies, attention and focus in one direction?

Well, in today’s video we explore this together and create what I call your ‘Higher Vision Energy Blueprint’. This is a powerful energy tool to help launch you in the right direction and keep the momentum needed in order to create and manifest what ever it is that you wish to experience.

In the video I guide you through a very powerful self-discovery meditation to help you get into alignment with, and energetically ‘download’ your future self’s highest potential.

Afterall, what you are today is what you dreamed yesterday! So, let’s take it up a notch and consciously dream a very powerful dream together!

As the world is changing and transforming, so are we. As above so below.

Heed the call of transformation and seek to discover your highest potential as you see it now. I’ll see you there… 😉

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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