Remember when you played as a kid and your imagination would run wild? Remember seeing toys come to life with names, histories, personalities, hopes and dreams? Remember how these inanimate companions had the power to comfort, console, and even heal? Who do you think was doing the comforting, consoling, and healing? We project our inner world onto our external world yet we seem to have forgotten that all of this is simply child’s play. Imagination is Creation – always has been and always will be. Nothing has really changed. No matter our age, we continue to project our inner world and interpret this as reality.
We have forgotten that we are the master’s of our reality. We have forgotten that we create the rules. One really spectacular way to get back in our ‘imagination’ groove is to consciously create mind movies. Everyone is familiar with the fun creative tool that dream boards offer. Well, mind movies are dream boards on steroids. They are a very potent way to be in alignment with your overall vision and stay motivated on goals. Check out Nicolas Do’s Youtube channel for inspiration:
Whether we realize it or not, we are already engaged in mind movies all day long. The issue is that our mind movies are unconscious or not very helpful for us. By purposely creating, watching and listening to your personal mind movie daily you are reprogramming your mind which feeds imagination and thus results in creation and manifestation. It’s that simple.

How To Use Mind Movies To Create Your Future

If you want to create more peace, abundance, increased clarity, or happiness then creating a personal mind movie with music and images that inspire you is the first step. Be sure to include affirmations that are in alignment to your goal. Images should definitely create a visceral reaction and evoke emotions in order to bring your future self into this present moment. Remember, your body doesn’t know the difference between a current or future event. It is simply following your thoughts in the NOW. So, use this to your advantage and create a mind movie that motivates you, thrills you, and inspires you into creating this reality for yourself now. Everytime you watch your mind movie you are training your body to live this future self now! Afterall, you are watching a movie of you! Watching your mind movie can be used alongside your daily meditation practice (if you have one). When we meditate we move from beta brain waves to alpha and theta (sometimes even gamma). These altered states of consciousness are beyond the analytical/conscious mind. If we meditate first and then watch our mind movie, our brain is still entrained to a higher vibration and taking in the images, sounds, and emotions from your movie will be more impactful to your subconscious mind where most of our programming takes place. Meditating and watching your mind movie in the morning, just after waking, and then again before bed is a good way to help bring all these positive qualities into your life. Just like anything in life, consistency is key. It is best to commit to at least 45 days of watching your mind movie twice daily in order to see results.

Mind Movies Tips and Tricks 

Change does not happen overnight. If we don’t pay attention to subtle changes in our thoughts or environment we might think that nothing is happening to us, so it is important to pay attention during this time of growth and expansion. A great sign that that your mind movie is beginning to take shape is the nature of your thoughts have changed. You may find yourself having ‘baby mind movies’ aka as daydreams. These new daydreams are a direct result of the new wiring, firing and thinking in our brain. These daydreams serve as the imagination fuel for creation and manifestation to bring thought into reality. Never underestimate the power of imagination! To help bring your Mind Movie to life it is helpful to journal our thoughts, feelings and emotions of any new discoveries, serendipities or chance encounters with interesting new people or experiences. These are subtle signs that we are slowly bringing into our world the changes that we seek. Pay attention – change is happening! There are no coincidences. How To Use A Mind Movie To Consciously Create A New You: 1) Create or find a Mind Movie that is alignment to your future goals and new Self 2) Commit to watching your Mind Move for at least 45 days, 2x’s per day 3) Watch your Mind Movie in the morning and in the evening 4) Get a journal and keep notes of any new thoughts, feelings, emotions that you are experiencing 5) Notice any serendipitous coincidences, experiences, or people that may unexpectedly come into your life to help you be in alignment with your vision 6) Celebrate small wins and be kind to yourself as you slowly change from one paradigm of reality to a new and improved one

Bringing It All Together

All this imaginary work is vital to establishing a new paradigm of reality. Being able to actively visualize and feel a new future-self living your dream life brings the courage and necessary energy to build this new reality into physical manifestation. Repeated imagination of a given thought, scenario, encounter, or experience will eventually bring it into your current life.Spiritual Life Coach can accelerate this process even more. Working with a coach allows one to take a deeper look at their current life circumstances, belief systems, deep programming and behavior patterns. By taking responsibility for where we are, we empower ourselves to choose differently and a coach helps to facilitate this process. If you want help in creating a new future vision of you and would like support and guidance in the process then please click the button below to schedule a discovery call. I’d love to work with you!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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